Torrey Pines State Beach
Photo by Luis Peraza

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How long do problems take to be resolved?

My case was referred. What does that mean?

City Auditor

City Clerk (Office of)

Where can I obtain a disabled person parking placard?

How do I request a birth certificate?

How do I make an appointment for a U.S. Passport?

What does a minor need to apply for a U.S. Passport?

What do I need to apply for a U.S. Passport?

What are the fees for a U.S. Passport?

How long does it take to process my passport?

How far in advance are passport appointments released?

Development Services

What types of Short-Term Residential Occupancy (STRO) violations can I report on Get It Done?

How should I report a trash violation that occurs at a Short-Term Residential Occupancy (STRO)?

How should I report a noise violation, or other “public nuisances” related to a Short-Term Residential Occupancy (STRO)?

What are Short-Term Residential Occupancy (STRO) Tiers, why do they matter, and where can I locate this information? 

Why do I need to submit my full address when reporting a Short-Term Residential Occupancy (STRO) violation?

Where can a Short-Term Residential Occupancy (STRO) be located?

What is a Short-Term Residential Occupancy (STRO)? 

Environmental Services

How can I dispose of a mattress or box spring?

How do I report a missed trash, recycling, or greenery collection?

How do I locate a container serial number?

What if my trash container is lost, stolen, or damaged?

Can you pick up illegally dumped items? When will it get picked up?

How do I dispose of an old, damaged trash container?

Why is an Owner Certification required for multi-family requests?

Why do I have to pay for a container and delivery when you broke it?

I'm moving, how do I close my trash & recycling account?

How can I help prevent scavengers from stealing out of curbside recycling containers?

How do I report an abandoned shopping cart and request its removal?

How Do I Exchange an Organic Waste Recycling Green Container (to a different size)?

How do I report a waste code violation (such as trash/litter/junk) or similar violations on city or private property?

How can residents recycle leftover auto products such as antifreeze, used motor oil, oil filters and vehicle batteries?

How can I request an additional kitchen pail?

What if my home/apartment/condo does not have a curbside recycling container?

How do I exchange my new organic waste recycling green bin for a different size?

How will I know if my damaged container needs to be replaced?

I am a resident at an apartment building. My property manager won’t provide us with a bin for food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard waste. What can I do?

I do not wish to participate in the Organic Recycling program. How do I opt out?

When will the new organic waste recycling collection service start and when am I receiving my new green bin at my home?

I already have a green bin at home. Can I start adding food scraps to my green bin now?

How can I find out if my house is starting in the new food and yard waste (organic) collection?

Can I choose the size of my automated refuse and recycling collection containers?

What will happen when organic waste recycling starts at my apartment or condo building?

How much waste is buried in the landfill each year?

What size green bins are offered and how many green bins can I have?

Where can I recycle consumer batteries, fluorescent bulbs, and mercury containing devices?

Will the organic waste bin start to smell or get dirty because of the food scraps collected?

Can I toss products labeled as “compostable” or “biodegradable” in the organic waste bin?

What will happen when the new organic collection service starts at my home?

Where can I recycle an appliance?

What will I be able to put in the organic waste recycling bin?

How do I request additional green bins?

How do I report a dead animal?

How do I know when my green bin will be picked up?

When is organic waste recycling collection starting?

How are food scraps and yard waste processed?

As a business, when am I getting my organic waste recycling bin?

Why can’t I use plastic bags in the organic waste bin?

As a business, who is going to clean my organic waste bin?

Will I be able to put dairy items in the organic waste bin?

Why is the City requiring mandatory organic waste recycling?

Will granny flats/accessory dwelling units (ADUs) receive green bins for organic waste recycling service?

Where can I recycle rechargeable batteries?

How to Obtain a Container

Where can I recycle electronic devices?

Does the City charge for blue recycling containers?

Do I have to pay for the new green bin and kitchen pail?

What is the City doing to monitor and respond to illegal dumping?

What is automated refuse collection?

Where can I recycle? What materials can I recycle?

Are vehicle tires accepted at the Miramar Landfill?

What are waste-related code violations?

What is the Miramar Recycling Center?

What is the difference between “litter” and “large waste items”?

Where can I dispose of electronic waste (E-waste)?

What is “organic waste?”

Where will the green bin be delivered to?

What is Senate Bill 1383?


How do I report a concern to the Fire Department?

Get It Done Application

How do I close my report?

Illegal Dumping

Does my Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) or Property and Business Improvement Districts (PBID) offer litter-related services?

Office of the Mayor

How can I access the internet through public Wi-Fi?

Park & Recreation

Someone left an item (sofa, mattress, etc.) on the sidewalk / in the alley / in the canyon. How do I report this?

How do I report a concern about sidewalk vending?

Performance & Analytics

How do I contact County, State, or Federal government offices?

What do the report statuses mean?

How are duplicates tagged? What should I expect if my report is tagged as a duplicate?


Who do I call regarding parking tickets?

How can I determine if my car was towed or impounded?

How do I file a police report?

What happens when I submit a Homeless Outreach / Encampment report?

How are Noise Complaints Handled?

Who should I contact for cases related to individuals experiencing homelessness? What community resources are available?

What is a Letter of Agency?

What happens when I submit a 72-hour vehicle violation report?

Can I submit multiple parking violations in one report?

What qualifies as a 72-hour (or abandoned) vehicle violation?

What do I do if my vehicle was broken into or stolen?

What is a hate crime and how do I report it?

Public Utilities

How do I report a sewer spill?

Purchasing & Contracting

Who do I contact regarding animal concerns?

Real Estate Assets

How do I find my Assessor's Parcel Number (APN)?


When is my street going to be swept?

How do I report Code Enforcement violations?

Who do I contact for issues with bees?


How can I have a Neighborhood Watch sign installed?

When will the overhead utility lines in my neighborhood be moved underground?

How can I learn more about street resurfacing and pothole repairs?

How do I report an issue with a scooter or bike share?

How do I report litter or another issue with a freeway?

Why are street light repairs taking longer than normal?

Who is responsible for private vegetation encroaching on the street or sidewalk?

Whose responsibility is it to address issues with weeds?

How do I request a free tree?

When do I need to call DigAlert?

Why was my resurfacing evaluation request closed and what does the City do with my request?

How does the City address graffiti on commercial property after receiving a Get It Done report?